
People need to develop improvement capability. Building new knowledge and practicing and applying skills in the real world are essential.

Improvement requires change, and change requires new knowledge and skills. People and teams begin the journey to personal mastery through workshops blending theory, practical methods, and real-world application to strategic projects.

Getting Started with Improvement

Individuals and teams learn the theories of the Science of Improvement and how to use improvement methods. Learning integrates with the organization’s strategy for change and blends participants’ understanding of fundamental theories with direct application to their work.

Improvement Practitioners

Organizations require internal people with advanced knowledge in the Science of Improvement and essential tools and methods to support improvement. We build intermediate and advanced skills for staff to lead results-driven improvement efforts and coach and advise project teams.

Sponsoring Improvement Efforts

Leaders are responsible for creating the conditions for change. As Project Sponsors, leaders must develop their role in selecting strategic projects, resourcing project teams, and assessing and managing progress.

Building a System of Improvement

Adopting quality as an organizational strategy is complex work. Through five interdependent activities, leaders learn how to understand their organization and focus their attention and actions on continual improvement that lead toward the organization’s purpose.

What Dave Does

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